Đặt câu với từ "intersperse|interspersed|intersperses|interspersing"

1. Intersperse exclamation marks in the text.

2. Randomly intersperse two languages (human or computer).

3. It follows a chronological script, interspersing documentary footage with the acted narrative.

4. The documentary intersperses graphical animations with film clips of the actual event.

5. Bushes were interspersed among trees.

6. 7 The documentary intersperses graphical animations with film clips of the actual event.

7. His lecture was interspersed with questions.

8. Small dots were interspersed among the pattern.

9. Lectures will be interspersed with practical demonstrations.

10. The lawn is interspersed with red flowers.

11. Originally the intention was to intersperse the historical scenes with modern ones.

12. The Aquaria were spatially interspersed in random order

13. You should intersperse colorful anecdotes about your experience with perceptive queries about the vacancy.

14. Interspersed between them were numerous small and conical tubercles.

15. Her handwritten notes were interspersed throughout the text.

16. Taking advantage of abstract line, brilliant color and high - sounding intersperse reveals luxurious feature.

17. 5 Her handwritten notes were interspersed throughout the text.

18. But interspersed with these brilliant ideas have come some terrible errors.

19. However coastal circulation exhibits strong alongshore currents interspersed with current reversals.

20. Some personal details are interspersed in what is basically a political primer.

21. The video also includes interspersed scenes of Spears naked with diamonds over her body.

22. It would not be uncommon for the patrician Consulars of the early republic to intersperse public office with agricultural labour

23. Mandeville's curses rang out interspersed by the awful, mournful sounds of the dead man's brother.

24. The rumbling becomes louder and is interspersed with flashes of lightning as the sky blackens.

25. This means there are alternating power rail lines interspersed with the matrix of LEDs.

26. These and other shrubs were interspersed with small, scraggly larch and black spruce trees.

27. The lawn is interspersed with flower-beds in the shape of five-point stars.

28. • the pile contains zones of rock fines, which are interspersed between the large rocks;

29. Alternation: [ awl″ter-na´shun ] interrupted occurrence, being interspersed with different or opposite events

30. 28 These and other shrubs were interspersed with small, scraggly larch and black spruce trees.

31. Row after row of modest little brick houses are interspersed with delis and corner restaurants.

32. Wang's novel is special in popular literature, and plays a role that break and intersperse the balance of whole cultural circle.

33. Trapeze sink unit, £897 Elegant glossy white units are interspersed with slimline cupboards in light ash.

34. Interspersed with Angela's Bemoanings are flashbacks to Arminda in her youth, keeping house for her widowed father

35. In the fields on both sides, the grass grew high, interspersed with the crimson splash of poppies.

36. They were interspersed with rows of vines, whose high branches must have made the harvest very hard work.

37. Long slope sessions interspersed with scale aerobatics will be the just reward for the more advanced pilot.

38. But these themes are always interspersed with more fanciful ones: grimacing masks, weird animals, exuberant abstract patterns.

39. However, since they are interspersed with shots of debris from the loch bed they are inadmissible as evidence.

40. Says the book Ancient Egypt: “Magical spells and formulae are freely interspersed [in Egyptian medicine texts] with rational prescriptions.”

41. When wearing a respirator for long periods of time, it may be necessary to take more frequent short breaks or intersperse tasks not requiring respirator use.

42. With Cushiony orchestration interspersed with sparkling guitar notes, the song builds gradually in its intensity and seductive charm

43. The battle did not last long, bursts of automatic fire interspersed with the sharp purposeful cracks of single shots.

44. Interspersed in Kant's constructive argument on behalf of his version of natural religion are polemical thrusts against positive religion.

45. It's a kind of Hudson River school landscape featuring open spaces of low grasses interspersed with copses of trees.

46. 20 Below Dalrachney the river levels out into long, steady-flowing, deep pools, interspersed by rough, shallow, shingle banks.

47. Once the initial skills have been mastered, progression relies upon plenty of practice interspersed with further instruction and coaching.

48. An array of long thin fingers of salty water descends, interspersed with a similar array of rising fresh water.

49. There are sudden, dramatic leaps in small children's learning, interspersed with long fallow periods when nothing seems to happen.

50. No, all I've had is a constant series of disasters... interspersed with occasional catastrophe, an unending stream of total

51. These cells can be very greedy, grabbing on to and converting to fat the dietary nutrients from blood circulating through the capillaries that intersperse adipose tissue.

52. The countryside, for the most part, was dry eucalyptus scrub interspersed with flat, open grasslands where sheep and cattle grazed.

53. These adipocytes are found interspersed in white adipose tissue and are also named 'beige' or 'brite' (for "brown in white").

54. Their musical turns are interspersed with comic anecdotes and frequent excursions into repartee, punctuated by flashes of Cattiness and bickering.

55. The small annual profits of the Edinburgh and Dundee clubs were interspersed with losses and no dividends were distributed to shareholders.

56. This is the artistic singing said by people usually, using beautiful singing to infect and move people, to arouse the appreciators'wonderful sensibility, and to intersperse life, influence society.

57. From Mount Assiniboine, ‘Matterhorn of the Rockies’, vast alpine meadows stretch far to the north interspersed with forested valleys and rocky peaks

58. Conks is an unusually shaped shawlette that starts small and grows in layers of stockinette stitch interspersed with sections of garter stitch

59. Interspersed throughout these pieces are short items in smaller type on white backgrounds about similar figures from real life or other media.

60. The crust, called Cryptobiotic or microbiotic soil, is formed by filamentous cyanobacteria, interspersed with tiny lichens and micro-fungi (see Utah's fragile earth)

61. Interspersed with that was the loud popping of propane canisters exploding high into the air, while ash and timber fell from the sky.

62. Interspersed between dance sequences are operatic singers performing songs which sometimes invoke spiritual or religious themes, including references to the Falun Gong faith.

63. The cryogenic flows (36) can be interspersed with pressurized air flows (66) so as to cooperate with each other in providing the quenching.

64. The structure of the Antiphon thus consists of hymn-like strophes, interspersed with verses of Scripture, whereas the response is drawn from the psalm itself

65. Reviewing the episode "Journey to Regionals", Entertainment Weekly's Darren Franich called Quinn's birthing scenes—interspersed with Vocal Adrenaline performing Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody"—both "brilliant" and "terrible".

66. Here, guests intersperse days of sightseeing – at serene Borobudur, bustling Yogyakarta or any number of vibrant villages – with spells of relaxation at Amanjiwo’s spa, the 40 m (130 ft) pool, and the majestic open-air restaurant

67. Interspersed are scenes of people displaying their dancing skills in a variety of settings, including a Los Angeles residential neighborhood, a small restaurant and the London Underground.

68. Botswana - Botswana - Climate: The annual climate ranges from months of dry temperate weather during winter to humid subtropical weather interspersed with drier periods of hot weather during summer

69. The video also contains interspersed scenes of Spears naked in a steam room, as a response to the attacks she had received over the years about her weight.

70. Orange Crustose Lichen Candelina submexicana Candelina submexicana orange Crustose lichen interspersed with Circinaria caesiocinerea Crustose lichen (light gray), Collema fuscovirens foliose lichen (black) and tiny bits of Caloplaca foliose lichen (yellow)

71. Angelology, remarks and reflections touching the agency and ministration of Holy Angels : with reference to their history, rank, titles, attributes, characteristics, residence, society, employments, and pursuits ; interspersed with traditional particulars respecting them

72. Capillary Telangiectasia (CTS) is a type of vascular malformation of the brain, in which clusters of dilated capillaries are formed in some areas of the brain, interspersed with normal brain tissue.

73. A wet and often slippery pathway cuts through the thick vegetation, interspersed by fig, mahogany and date palm groves and follows the edge of the gorge for an unrestricted view of nature at work.

74. For additional visual fun and games, 100 cartoons are interspersed throughout the book, providing droll and eye-catching corollaries to the verbal Booboos made, as in the winking example below and at right:

75. Bime: Business Intelligence Made Easy: Bime: Bacterial Interspersed Mosaic Element (genetics) Bime: Brussels Institute for Management of the Environment (now Brussels Environment; Belgium) Bime: Botswana International Model Expo (contest) Bime: Benign Infantile Myoclonic Epilepsy: Bime

76. In this regard, we present bioinformatic analyses that show: (i) aspecific, spurious Annealings of the available primers in multiple homologous sites of the human genome; (ii) strict homologies between whole XMRV genome and interspersed repetitive elements widespread in mammalian genomes

77. Bugling sounds with low-pitched notes are generally intended to warn other males away from a harem, but the meaning of bugles interspersed with grunts, which comprise a mere 16 percent of elk calls, are presently unknown, according to the study

78. Circus definition, a large public entertainment, typically presented in one or more very large tents or in an outdoor or indoor arena, featuring exhibitions of pageantry, feats of skill and daring, performing animals, etc., interspersed throughout with the slapstick antics of clowns

79. Materials and methods: Seventy-two human premolars were divided into three groups: Group 1 was not submitted to bleaching, Group 2 was subjected to one tooth bleaching (35% hydrogen peroxide enabled by LEDs) and Group 3 was subjected to two tooth Bleachings interspersed by aging

80. Life is just like an old time rail journey ... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts,[Sentence dictionary] interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride. Gordon B. Hinckley